Meditation Can Prevent Cancer


There are many causes of cancer and many defenses as well. Cancer starts at the cellular level, and involves a series of mutations to the DNA, and there are a variety of sophisticated ribbonmechanisms within the body that scout for these and clean them up. If the cells are under chronic stress, this protective system is greatly inhibited. Other components of the body’s response actually make cancer more likely. The bottom line is: stress causes cancer.

Pharmaceutical Spendings


Now there is a way to find out. The U. S. Government is maintaining a data base of who paid what to whom. It’s called open payments and the link is here.121009020524-pills-money-prescription-story-top

You can enter any doctor’s name and see what he was paid and why. This includes research, which is likely to be reasonable, to consulting, which seems to be mainly a marketing activity, to drinks, which is an eyebrow raiser, to an interesting category called:

Understanding Medical Research – Part 3 – Interpreting Results


How to interpret the more common results found in medical research papers. What they mean, and how to spot problems.

From Benjamin Disraeli we have: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.”eretr

Unfortunately this applies all too frequently to the statistical results presented in medical research. While statistics does indeed have the power to elucidate, to find the proverbial needle in the haystack, it also has the power to obfuscate and deceive. One should therefore pay very close attention if there is a possible political or financial agenda associated with the research.

Cholesterol Awareness Program – Drug Industry Deception

Cholesterol is not a Disease, Despite Drug Industry Claims

Cholesterol has taken a beating lately. What had been the established Medical Gospel for decades, that high cholesterol cholesterol-magnifying-glass-SScauses heart disease, appears to be false. I will explain why in detail in a moment, but first I want to warn you about yet another assault on your senses coming from the pharmaceutical industry. You see, if lowering cholesterol isn’t important, then the drugs that do it are no longer necessary. This is not something the pharmaceutical industry wants to hear.

The Practice of Quantitative Medicine

The Practice of Quantitative Medicine

The study of high energy physics has been compared to finding out how a watch works by throwing it against the wall to examine its parts. If you think of high energy colliders like CERN- the organization’s name is now used for the accelerator itself- that is pretty much how high energy physics is performed: accelerate sub-atomic particles to barely sub-lightspeed and then watch and measure the debris when that accelerated particle smashes into some other particle. While this is not very elegant it has proven to be a very useful way to understand sub-atomic physics. Historically and, of necessity, this process followed the development of a theoretical model  proposed by everyone from Ernest Rutherford to Niels Bohr. Those early men engaging in atom smashing had a picture in their head; the picture was refined by subsequent ‘watch smashings’ and the enhanced picture led to even more fruitful ‘watch smashings.’

Beta Blockers: The Problem Drug Is Dangerous

Beta Blockers Help No One, Harm Many, and Should Be Banned

In one previous post, I was screaming, and in another, I was tearing my hair out. In this one I am doing both.

There is a handy web site called NNT means Number Needed to Treat. For example, if 200 need to take a drug so that 1 might avoid a heart attack, the NNT is 200.  If the Beta Blocker
drug that prevents heart attacks does not harm, then ‘why not?’ Statins have an NNT of about 300. However, they do harm to about 1 in 10, but (at least in the eyes of the pharmaceutical industry) that harm is less than the benefit. In any case, the NNH, or Number Needed to Harm, for statins is 10. (But I am not writing this post to rail once more about statins, but do promise endless future posts on this till statins go away.)

Osteoporosis – Its Cause and Cure – Without Drugs

Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented and Reversed Without Drugs

Osteoporosis is widely thought to be an affliction of elderly women, but it strikes both the non-elderly and the non-women too. It is also widely thought to be non-curable and non-reversible. unnamedThese are both wrong as well. Osteoporotic bones lead to the reduction of stature and the hunched over appearance with which everyone is familiar. This is tragic, but is made even more so due to the fact that it is 100% preventable. Beyond the posture there is the specter of pain and an unstable gait which leads to falls which leads to fractures and so on: the sweater of life starts unraveling.