Is Amyloid Beta Plaque Buildup the Cause of Alzheimer’s, or is it Something Else?

Alzheimer’s is the most common dementia. For decades it was believed to be amaloid-beta-alzheimers-ribboncaused by buildup of amyloid beta plaque. A lot of recent research, though, has noted that there tends to be insulin deficiencies and insulin resistance in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s.

Inside the brain of someone with Alzheimer’s, neural tangles, plaques, and amyloid beta build-ups are found. This environment is not good: various neural units lose function.

Do Statins Cause Diabetes?

A New Study Has Statin Use Increasing Adult Onset Diabetes by 46%. Earlier statins-cause-AODM-just-say-nostudies had a 10% to 20% increase. Why the difference? And why are statins still prescribed

Numerous studies have shown no benefit from statin use. The most recent one, reported in MedScape, shows a rather horrifying increase in adult onset diabetes: “Statin therapy appears to increase the risk for type 2 diabetes by 46%, even after adjustment for confounding factors.” The study looked at a six-year time frame and followed almost 9,000 people that had started statins. The study seems quite well done. The result is markedly higher than previously reported incidence of diabetes among statin users.

Full Body Transplant

A Full Body Transplant Could, From Another Point Of View, Be Viewed as a Brain Transplant. Long The Realm of Science Fiction, We Fear (or Perhaps Hope) It Will Remain So.full-body-transplant

At a dinner party, the host announced that he planned to be immortal. This certainly got our attention. He further proclaimed that we are going to be the last generation to die. But he had concocted a scheme to get in on the immortality thing and avoid this fate.

All About Bones

Bones Are Not Stone-Like Inanimate Objects. They are fully alive, and Continually Tearing down and renewing.bone

Most people’s knowledge of bones comes from the remains of a meal, or from those that amuse their dogs. They are seen as hard, rock-like, hollow, and inert. They look like they will last hundreds of years. These are dead bones. If they have been outside for a while, all that’s left is the calcium deposits that make it so hard. This is deceiving. A bone is quite complex, and is often considered an organ. Besides providing structural support, it also acts as a mineral depot, and houses the cellular factory that manufactures red and white blood cells. It has an elaborate blood supply and is continually tearing itself down and rebuilding itself.

Researchers Consider Drug Experiment Successful Despite Clear Evidence of Harm

A drug trial evaluating zoledronic acid versus placebo was done on a group of about 200 elderly women in nursing homes.  The hope was that the drug would alleviate osteoporosis.unnamed

Osteoporosis is caused by lack of several minerals, including calcium, in the bones. This causes them to weaken, eventually to the point of not being able to support the weight their owner places on them. At this point, they start to crush in on themselves. This is called the ‘fracture-threshold’. Bones in this state are also much more likely to break in a fall.

Cancer Vaccination

There is Currently No Vaccine for Cancer. But Once Your Immune System “Sees” and Hopefully Destroys a Cancer, it Potentially Has the Ability to Remember It and Immediately Stop a Recurrence.cancer-vaccine

You never get the same disease twice. Well, this is not quite true, but if your immune system has recognized and defeated an invading germ, it will remember that for a very long time, perhaps the rest of your life. If the same strain returns, it will be quickly destroyed by your immune system.

The Amazing Mesenchymal Stem Cell

The body has a variety of stem and progenitor cells that can “morph” into regular every-day cells. Most have a restricted repertoire. It seems,mesenchymal-stem though, that mesenchymal cells can become a large variety of tissue types. This has great importance for replacement and repair of damaged organs and joints.

Some of our cells are permanent: neurons and muscle being good examples, and some renew, like skin, and the intestines. The ones that renew, wear out. To make sure the new cells are fresh and whole, thay are made from stem cells or progenitor cells. Such cells are usually protected. Read all about stem cells here.