Off Label Drug Use

The Use Of Prescription Medications To Treat Problems Beyond What The Drugs Were Originally Approved For Is Widespread, With off-label-ballsSome Blessings And Many Dangers.

That an MD will prescribe a drug for use other than that for which it was originally approved comes as a shock to many. In fact, the practice is so widespread that few physicians give it a second thought. The drug companies are all in favor of this, needless to say. Sometime the consequences are beneficial, and sometimes disastrous.

Therapeutic Hopscotch – A Healthy Exercise

As we age, it is important to maintain balance and coordination. Many such exercises are available, usually involving hopping and retrieval ohopscotch-tightropescotch-f any object. Though valuable, these exercises seem a bit tedious. Instead, go for a game of hopscotch.

Grow New Brain

In order to avoid injuries in a fall, one of the most proven techniques is to not fall in the first place. Improving balance and coordination will accomplish this. By doing exercises geared toward balance and coordination, it will benefit your neuromuscular coordination. In more simple terms, it helps to improve the communication between your brain and your muscles. It also helps with core stabilization, which in turn helps you improve your coordination and posture; both important when trying to avoid a fall.

Dogs Can Detect Disease

We Reported Earlier on Cancer Sniffing Dogs. Dogs Are Involved In Many Other Medical and Caring Activities As Well.medical-dogs-stethoscope

Previously, we wrote a post titled,  Dogs Can Smell Prostate Cancer With Near 100% Accuracy. What many people may not know is that dogs play a role in medicine in more than just one way. For those that have dogs as pets, this may come as no surprise, but for those dogless folks, the idea that dogs can be used as medical tools may have never crossed their minds. The following are just some of the ways that dogs can be used as medical tools:

Triglycerides And Their Importance

Triglycerides May Be The Most Important Number To Know, At Least For Heart Health. If Triglycerides Are OK, Often The Other Heart Numbers Are OK Too.triglycerides-and-their-importance-triglyceride

Triglycerides are fat. Cells run on them. Some get into our body more or less directly from the food we eat. The liver produces a lot as well. Actually, triglycerides aren’t soluble in blood, so they need to be packaged in particles that are. The ones from our last meal are called chylomicrons, and are packaged by our intestines and sent into the bloodstream via a system that opens near the neck called the thoracic duct. (Imagine, think for a minute, why the body is designed in such a way that these fatty particles need to enter the blood stream near the neck rather than near the liver where they are produced.) Chylomicrons have only small amounts of cholesterol and are usually consumed by hungry cells within a couple of hours.

Nurses, Stress and Cancer

Nurses Have Higher Than Normal Cancer Rates. It May Be Stress or Night Work. One Hospital Is Dealing With The Problem Head On.nurses-stress-cancer-vintage

Nurses are typically willing and accessible participants in health studies, and so a lot is known about them. They have about the same mortality as the general population, but two things stand out: They have almost twice the rate of cancer, but about half the rate of heart disease. The exact reason for this rather profound difference is not really known, but we could speculate. Nursing, by its very nature, is stressful. Nurses are continually dealing with medical situations, frequently serious and sometimes life threatening. Nursing also involves shift work which disrupts circadian rhythms, and this could also be a cause. Other professions involving shift work also have higher cancer rates.

Calorie Restriction

Calorie Restricted Mice Live 40% Longer. It Was Thought (Hoped) That This Could Be Extended To Human. Recent Research Says Otherwise.

A Silicon Valley billboard proclaims, “The First Person to Live 150 is Alive Today.” Prudential Life Insurance put up the sign, and it would certainly be a boon for their business were this to come true.calorie-restriction-150

In pursuit of this objective, groups of people are practicing what is known as Calorie Restriction. These people take care to get sufficient nutrients and try to keep their caloric intake around 2000 or so calories per day. This is not in any sense starvation, but they would be considered thin, or on the thinner side of normal. This movement traces its roots to a long known fact: underfed lab mice live 40% longer. If such an increase would extend to humans as well, the first 150-year-old might well come from this crowd.

Chronotype: Are You A Night Owl Or An Early Bird?

There Is A Gene That Determines Morning And Evening People. Night Owls Exist Even Among Hunter-Gatherers.


You know if you are a night owl or an early bird. This turns out to be genetic. A specific gene has actually been identified: PER3. If you have the longer variant, you are a morning person, and the shorter one is for the night owls.