Exercise – Maximizing the Health Benefits – Part 4 – Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis will be prevented or will reverse if the large bones, meaning the legs, hips, and spine, are stressed.


The best exercises for osteoporosis are squats and dead lifts, with as much wight as you can manage while still keeping perfect form.

The is the 4th in the exercise series. Joint maintenance was discussed here, and balance and neurogenesis, here.

Previously osteoporosis was discussed here and here.

Exercise – Maximizing the Health Benefits – Part 3 – Neural, Balance, Coordination

Coordination and Balance Exercise Will Prevent Falls and Actually Cause New Neural Growthexercise-balance

Neural Generation

This is the third in our exercise series and is dedicated to balance, coordination, and neural health. The last post dealt with joint health, and certain exercises that will maintain it. So while you are repairing your knees or other joints, why not add a few new nerves. It had long been the conventional medical wisdom that you would get no new ones and were lucky to hold on to the ones you already had. Not true at all, though still widely believed. These next exercises aren’t particularly strenuous either, but build balance, coordination, agility, and, as promised, new nerves, including ones in your head.

Exercise – Maximizing the Health Benefits – Part 2 – Joints

Osteoarthritis is usually reversible. Joints can easily be kept healthy and flexible. However, this won’t happen automatically.  Certain exercises are needed. These are simple and not particularly strenuous.joint

This is the second in our exercise series and is dedicated to joint health. Joint health should come first. Indeed other exercises will not be very effective if impaired by joint issues.  Surprisingly, properly maintained, joints will last a lifetime. Otherwise, osteoarthritis may develop and destroy the joint. This was discussed in a recent post.

Exercise – Maximizing the Health Benefits – Part 1 – Overview


A Flayed Athlete

Proper diet, stress reduction, and good sleep provide an environment where cells can thrive. If any of these components are missing, the cells will be under duress and cannot be healthy. However, simply providing a healthy environment doesn’t mean the cell is going to do anything useful with it, and this is where exercise comes into the picture. This is not a new notion.

Pesticides and Other Problems with Organic Food

Organic, though better for you, does not mean organic-is-foodpesticide free. Certain pesticides and other chemicals may be used. The only way to know for sure is to grow your own or establish a relationship with growers; ranchers and farmers.

Organic Fruit and Vegetables

Not wishing to know how laws and sausages are made might well extend to food in general, at least food that we didn’t grow ourselves. It’s easy enough for us to wave our hands and incant “organic” and “grass fed,” but what do these really mean, and when are they important?

Get Well With Aristotle!

Against the backdrop of genetics and environmental hazards like infections and toxins, we become ill as a function of our character.Aristotle

Before you leap to a valid logical criticism of my claim-essentially that we are sick through our own fault- let me assure you that many of the most tragic illnesses are certainly not the fault of  the patient: childhood cancers and the sequellae of infections like meningitis come to mind.