Calorie Restriction

Calorie Restricted Mice Live 40% Longer. It Was Thought (Hoped) That This Could Be Extended To Human. Recent Research Says Otherwise.

A Silicon Valley billboard proclaims, “The First Person to Live 150 is Alive Today.” Prudential Life Insurance put up the sign, and it would certainly be a boon for their business were this to come true.calorie-restriction-150

In pursuit of this objective, groups of people are practicing what is known as Calorie Restriction. These people take care to get sufficient nutrients and try to keep their caloric intake around 2000 or so calories per day. This is not in any sense starvation, but they would be considered thin, or on the thinner side of normal. This movement traces its roots to a long known fact: underfed lab mice live 40% longer. If such an increase would extend to humans as well, the first 150-year-old might well come from this crowd.

What Nutrients Power The Brain?

Popular Wisdom Holds That The Brain Runs On Sugar. This Is A Frequently Used Excuse To Justify Eating A Lot Of Sugar And Starch. The Brainbrain-nutrition Needs A Lot More Than Sugar To Run Properly, and Excess Sugar Is Now Thought To Be The Most Likely Cause of Alzheimer’s.

Most doctors will tell you that the brain runs on glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar, and is sometimes called dextrose. Table sugar is half glucose and half fructose. All starches, in fact all carbs, end up as one of these, or a mix. The liver converts most of the fructose to glucose. So it’s all glucose, except the parts you can’t digest at all.

All About Fat

Much Is Written And Promoted About The Various Sorts Of Fat. Your Body Isn’t All That Picky, But Cells Prefers Saturated Fat.fat-mix

For years we were told to avoid saturated fat, and go for monounsaturated. Then polyunsaturated fat had its day in the sun. Now it appears that the long maligned saturated fat is the best one of all.

Confused? If not, read the previous paragraph again.

Why Do Nuts Prevent Heart Attacks?

Nuts reduce fatal and non-fatal heart attacks by an incredible 30-50%. The reasons are elusive.nuts-mix

In spite of heart healthy claims being plastered on just about every nut product these days, few physicians are aware of the extent of their benefit. In study after study, regular consumption of 2-3 hands-full of nuts a week sharply reduces heart attacks.

Coffee Has Many Health Benefits

Coffee seems to have broad and significant benefits. Much Recent Research Has Coffee Sounding Like a Wonder-Drugcoffee-notes

As a coffee addict, this is welcome news. A variety of epidemiological studies show coffee having cardio benefits, lowerings some cancer risks, as well as the risk of adult onset diabetes, Alzheimers, and all cause mortality.