Sugar, Starch, Glucose, and Insulin

Starch and Sugar cause High Levels of Glucose and Insulinsugar-starch-glucose-insulin-spoonfu-of-sugar

Sugar and starch are eaten in abundance in the Western diet. The body is not equipped to deal with this, and cannot thrive with this excess present. Here we explain how they interact, and how they can be measured and controlled. Sugar and Starches are directly converted to glucose by the digestive process. Glucose is a simple form of sugar. High blood glucose levels, and the high insulin levels associated with them are a major causative factor in most degenerative disease. So why is a high level of glucose bad?

Cholesterol Officially Declared Harmless

U. S. Government Removes Limits on Cholesterol Consumption. Cholesterol is now Officially Harmlessfdsfsd

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are recommending that limitations on dietary cholesterol be removed from the upcoming 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Apparently, cholesterol is now harmless. This is a huge turnabout, as a low cholesterol diet has been the lynchpin of government nutritional recommendations, and the American Heart Association, for the past 50 years.

FAT: Burn It or Store It. What Determines This?

The Grand Unified Theory Of Fat

You have heard by now that fat doesn’t make you fat, carbs make you fat. This seems confusing. Why wouldn’t fat also make you fat? Rarely is a cogent answer supplied for that one. Here’s the answer.Fat

The amount of fat you have is regulated to an ideal homeostatic set-point by the hypothalamus, a tiny but crucial brain that manages metabolism and energy expenditure.  If you have more fat than the hypothalamus thinks appropriate it will burn it, less and it will store it.



Veganism is such a hot potato, we are reluctant to deal with it. However, there is so much deliberate misinformation being spread that we feel obliged.

You may gather from that remark we are not big advocates, especially with our numerous other posts suggesting that sugars and starches, whole grain or otherwise, ought to be avoided.

Let us try to separate two aspects of this topic that are frequently entangled and cause much confusion.   

Glycemic Index – Is It of Any Use?


Glycemic Index has been “in” for some time. It provides a nice scientific sounding basis for choosing among carbohydrates. It is about as utterly worthless a guide to nutritional value as you could get.

Consider these items:gi

Glycemic index is measured by ‘administering’ a sole food, the one being tested, to a subject after an overnight fast. Is this how we eat? Obviously not, and this alone removes most of the value.

Is Fasting Beneficial?

Mr. D. S. of Saratoga, CA asks: Hunter-Gatherers eat natural food and exercise and get almost no degenerative disease. But they also fast, so shouldn’t we fast?

Great question. I used to think so, but had to change my opinion. In the past I encouraged fasting. My starting point was 24-hour fasts. In some cases I experimented with longer fasts pand different intervals between fasting in order to improve various blood markers and, interestingly, it often worked, but only at first. After regularly fasting for some period of time most of my patients’ bodies found some way to compensate, usually subconsciously. The numbers returned to their earlier values, and for some, actually got worse and were accompanied by fat weight gain. So starting about 3 years ago, I began advising people not to fast. There are exceptions