CANCER Resource Center


If You Have the Book Quantitative Medicine, See…

Chapter 7: “Test Tumor Markers Twice a Year.” Early detection of cancer.

Chapter 7: “Scans” Value for cancer detection.

Chapter 8: “Homeostatic Alignment.” Its effect on cancer.

Chapter 11: Stress as a cause of cancer.

Chapter 22: The causes of cancer and effects of lifestyle choices.

Appendix 2: “Causes of Disease – Cancer” Several papers on the topic.

Cancer Basics Part 1 – Initiation and Progressioncancer-basics-1-initiation-progression-blackboard

Part I of an in depth discussion of Cancer. How cancer gets started and conditions that are necessary for it to progress..

Cancer Basics Part 2 – Diagnosis and Prognosiscancer-basics-1-initiation-progression-blackboard

Part 2 of an in depth discussion of Cancer. How cancer gets started and conditions that are necessary for it to progress..

Cancer Basics Part 3 – Preventioncancer-basics-1-initiation-progression-blackboard

Part 3 of an in depth discussion of Cancer. How why lifestyle choices prevent cancer.

Prostate Cancer – a  Five Part Series


All About Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Case History – Diagnosis

Prostate Cancer Case History – Possible Therapies

Prostate Cancer Case History – Treatment Options

Prostate Cancer Case Study – Treatment Outcomes

HDL-LDLDoes LDL (“bad”) Cholesterol Prevent Cancer?

High LDL (“bad”) cholesterol may actually prevent cancer.

sunscreen-coppertoneSunshine, Sunscreen, Cancer, and Vitamin D

Current sunscreen recommendations may be increasing cancer rather than preventing it.

Free radicalsAntioxidants and Cancer

Antioxidant, rather that prevent cancer, may be actually assisting it.

cancer-screening-curableEarly Detection Of Cancer – Why Do This?

Many cancers are curable if caught early, but deadly if not.

Early Detection of Cancer – How It Is Donecancer-screening-get-in-gear

There are a variety of ways to detect cancer early and more are emerging.

Meditation Can Prevent Cancer

Meditation can significantly reduce cancer risk. Lear why and how to use this valuable health tool.

HDL Can Reverse Cancer, Reverse Heart Diseasegdfhgdfh

Boosting HDL can reduce Cancer Risk 36% and Heart Disease RIsk 50%. Learn why this works, and how to boost it.

POM Wonderful and Prostate CancerPom

POM Wonderful sponsored prostate cancer research and got impressive results.They aleo got in trouble with the FTC Read the entertaining saga.

Dogs Can Sniff Prostate and Other Cancersprostate-sniffing-dogs-doctor

Dogs can ‘sniff’ several cancers better than many intrusive medical procedures. Read about man’s best friend’s medical prowess.

Antioxidants and CancerFree radicals

Instead of preventing cancer, antioxidants may, in some cases, promote. Short reason: Though oxidants are rough on our body, they are rougher on cancer. Suppressing them may be exactly the wrong thing to do.

Coping with Cancer

These links kindly submitted by Helen Carter.

Preparing for the Death of a Terminally-Ill Loved One: What to Expect, and How to Help the Entire Family Move Forward

Living with Cancer: Eight Things You Need to Know

Coping with a Child’s Illness While You’re in Recovery

Eating Well During and After Your Cancer Treatment

7 Side Effects of Cancer Treatment, and How to Cope with Them

PTSD and Life After Cancer

How to Create a Peaceful At-Home Hospice for Your Loved One

External Resources…


Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer caused from asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma Prognosis Network offers extensive prognosis support and information source online. Link here.


  7 comments for “CANCER Resource Center

  1. vijayan mg
    September 26, 2015 at 5:37 am

    Please alldetailed informatonfor cancer reaileted.

    • vijayan mg
      September 26, 2015 at 5:39 am

      Cancerreailted information please send.

    • kirti gupta
      March 9, 2016 at 5:37 am

      Comment *hello.
      my question is…..kya cancer ka koi successful ilaaj hai.
      pls ans me…

  2. sarjeet singh
    November 8, 2015 at 10:19 pm

    What is cancer

      February 28, 2016 at 7:08 am


  3. February 16, 2016 at 2:20 am

    Comment * what is the resion of subraical cancer

  4. kwanele
    March 4, 2016 at 3:48 am

    Nginezilonda ezingapheli ngaphansi zibuhlungu kanzima ngabe I cancer yinibleyo

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