Lighter Weights versus Heavier Weights

Guest post by Enid Fox, BA, ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist, ACSM/ACS Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer

In my last FitNet message I stressed the importance of increasing muscle mass to manage weight. Increasing muscle mass matters more than losing fat. You can not lose fat if you are losing muscle.

Biological Age


Can you cheat the clock? Can you age more slowly or even reverse the process? One plausible definition of “age” would say yes, definitely.

Paleo Exercise


Along with the highly popular “Paleo Diet,” we would suppose that Paleo Exercise might become the latest rage. However, the physical activities that hunter-gatherers had to do (and still do) to make a living are not entirely desirable. Here is why some “paleo” activities are healthful and others are not.

The Free Radical Theory of Aging


Another “Bad Guy” joins the ranks of useful cellular processes.

This dates from the 50s. The idea is that free radicals, normal byproducts of metabolism, are dangerous and responsible for aging and disease. This led to a huge supplement industry item: the anti-oxidant. Big problem: the theory’s wrong.