When LDL (Bad) Cholesterol is Important


Not so bad after all?

A report earlier this week, here, raises questions about the dangers of high LDL cholesterol. Specifically, high levels were found to be protective, completely overturning conventional medical wisdom. Here we present a somewhat deeper dive into the subject.

New Study finds LDL-Cholesterol Beneficial

HDL-LDLLDL-Cholesterol, Often Called “Bad” Cholesterol Has Been the Heart Disease Boogey Man for Three Quarters of a Century. It Is the Basis for the Multi-Billion Dollar Statin Industry. A New Study in the Prestigious British Medical Journal Not Only Calls This into Question, But Completely Turns the Tables, Asserting that High LDL Cholesterol Is Protective, and That the Lipid Hypothesis Is Bunk.

Triglycerides And Their Importance

Triglycerides May Be The Most Important Number To Know, At Least For Heart Health. If Triglycerides Are OK, Often The Other Heart Numbers Are OK Too.triglycerides-and-their-importance-triglyceride

Triglycerides are fat. Cells run on them. Some get into our body more or less directly from the food we eat. The liver produces a lot as well. Actually, triglycerides aren’t soluble in blood, so they need to be packaged in particles that are. The ones from our last meal are called chylomicrons, and are packaged by our intestines and sent into the bloodstream via a system that opens near the neck called the thoracic duct. (Imagine, think for a minute, why the body is designed in such a way that these fatty particles need to enter the blood stream near the neck rather than near the liver where they are produced.) Chylomicrons have only small amounts of cholesterol and are usually consumed by hungry cells within a couple of hours.

Body Mass Index

The Healthiest Weight Is Not What You Think


These machines were once ubiquitous, costing only a penny, but offering mostly non-medical fates. However attempts to predict health from body weight go back at least 150 years to the Body Mass Index or BMI.

There are innumerable (and identical) BMI calculators to be found on the Internet, and by entering your height, weight and sometimes your sex and age, they will duly compute a number, your BMI, and will often sort you into a thin, normal, overweight, obese, or really obese category. Normal is 18-25, overweight is 25-30, and so on.