Understanding Glucose and A1C Numbers

Almost All Annual Physicals Measure Fasting Glucose. A1c Should Always Be Included But Is Not. More Things Should Be Measured, But Here Are The Health Implications of These Two.glucose-a1c-molecules

Glucose is the most common “simple” sugar. Fructose is the second most common one. Together they account for the bulk of sugar you consume.

All the starch you eat is converted directly to glucose, and gets quickly into your bloodstream. Carbohydrates from vegetables do as well, but more slowly. Table sugar and fruit are about half glucose and half fructose. If these two are combined it is called sucrose. It will be split

Grain Is Not a Good Food

Though somewhere between useless and dangerous, the cereal industry has managed to convince the public to buy their product at twenty-fold the cost of the starch it contains, and has convinced them that it is healthy.great-grain-swindle-granola

In the 19th century the Trans Continental Railroad has to rank as not only the greatest swindle of the Gilded Age, but one of the greatest swindles of all time. It was without precedent. The government was fleeced, the shareholders were fleeced, 70% of congress was bribed. Vast tracts of land were literally given to the rich. Miserable working conditions were endemic. Even the goods weren’t delivered. The Eastern half of the railroad was so poorly built that it was usually in disrepair two decades after completion.

Chocolate—Benefits, Facts and Myths

Some Things We Love Are Actually Good For Us. Chocolate is One of Them. Chocolate Lovers RejoiceChocolate-Assorted

Chocolate benefits your coronary health!

A study recently published for the first time online on in an article titled, Habitual Chocolate Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Healthy Men and Women, answered the prayers and wishes of many chocolate lovers worldwide. The findings show that of the participants, those who consumed the most chocolate had 23% fewer heart attacks and strokes than the people that ate the least amount of chocolate. So, yes, chocolate can be considered good for you … to an extent. While chocolate and its fats are beneficial to your coronary health, the sugar that is added to chocolate is definitely harmful. If you are going to live the dream and eat chocolate, we suggest that you eat super-dark chocolate, it is the healthiest.

Nurses, Stress and Cancer

Nurses Have Higher Than Normal Cancer Rates. It May Be Stress or Night Work. One Hospital Is Dealing With The Problem Head On.nurses-stress-cancer-vintage

Nurses are typically willing and accessible participants in health studies, and so a lot is known about them. They have about the same mortality as the general population, but two things stand out: They have almost twice the rate of cancer, but about half the rate of heart disease. The exact reason for this rather profound difference is not really known, but we could speculate. Nursing, by its very nature, is stressful. Nurses are continually dealing with medical situations, frequently serious and sometimes life threatening. Nursing also involves shift work which disrupts circadian rhythms, and this could also be a cause. Other professions involving shift work also have higher cancer rates.

Calorie Restriction

Calorie Restricted Mice Live 40% Longer. It Was Thought (Hoped) That This Could Be Extended To Human. Recent Research Says Otherwise.

A Silicon Valley billboard proclaims, “The First Person to Live 150 is Alive Today.” Prudential Life Insurance put up the sign, and it would certainly be a boon for their business were this to come true.calorie-restriction-150

In pursuit of this objective, groups of people are practicing what is known as Calorie Restriction. These people take care to get sufficient nutrients and try to keep their caloric intake around 2000 or so calories per day. This is not in any sense starvation, but they would be considered thin, or on the thinner side of normal. This movement traces its roots to a long known fact: underfed lab mice live 40% longer. If such an increase would extend to humans as well, the first 150-year-old might well come from this crowd.

Chronotype: Are You A Night Owl Or An Early Bird?

There Is A Gene That Determines Morning And Evening People. Night Owls Exist Even Among Hunter-Gatherers.


You know if you are a night owl or an early bird. This turns out to be genetic. A specific gene has actually been identified: PER3. If you have the longer variant, you are a morning person, and the shorter one is for the night owls.