Don’t Count Calories – Count Carbs Instead

Counting Calories Is Useless. It Has Little Bearing on Weight. Instead, Carbs Should Be Counted.caloeies-scale

America is obsessed with calorie counting, and it clearly makes sense, doesn’t it? Calories are calories. It doesn’t matter which food provided them. If they aren’t burned, they are stored as fat. Isn’t this obvious? Books gotta balance, right, right?

Dean Ornish and High Protein Diets

Ornish Claims High Protein Diets Are Deadly and Quotes a Study. His Claims Are Demonstrably False and the Study is Flawed. It’s Ornish’s diet, the vegan one, that is dangerous.ornish-cherry-picking

From the New York Times 3/23/2015 we have this op-ed title: “The Myth of High-Protein Diets.” Ornish states that a certain study attests to grave dangers if protein is eaten. His link to the study is pay-walled, however, fortunately for us, that same paper is available here, for one and all to see. So we read it, and so can you.

POM Wonderful and Prostate Cancer

POM Wonderful is a Los Angeles based pomegranate juice company, that has funded considerable research, but got in trouble with the FTC for some ads they ran.Pom They were subsequently skewered in the popular press as well. They paid their fine, removed all research from their web site. Five years later, all is largely forgotten, except that the results launched no end of research into the wonders of pomegranate.

What Does the China Study Really Prove?

“The China Study” claims to prove that animal products are bad. However, it appears to prove exactly the opposite. The groups that ate more meat lived longer.Question mark

“The China Study,” by T. Colin Campbell, is the bible of veganism. It is a huge book which covers a lot of ground and makes many valuable points. The name of the book comes from a series of observational studies done in 69 counties in China called the China-Oxford-Cornell Project. Dr. Campbell himself led two of these studies. From this project, he concludes that “plant-based foods are beneficial, and animal-based foods are not”.

QM Case History: Severe Heart Disease Reversed

A 57 year old male, lets call him ‘Joe,’ new to me, came in to be seen for a sinus infection. The history and findings were consistent with this diagnosis but he seemed to want to talk about something else.Male Doctor Hand Abstract with Lab Coat and Stethoscope.

Joe’s brother had just had a heart attack, subsequent bypass grafting for the blockages in his heart arteries, and his father had had early heart disease as well. My new patient wanted to talk about his heart more than his sinuses. Who could blame him?