Atherosclerosis Basics – Part 2 – Preventing and Reversing

Atherosclerosis Is a Preventable Disease – Preventable Without Drugs

Atherosclerosis is the buildup of rancid (glycated and lipoxidated) material behind the wall of the artery. It is a natural process, but the body has another natural process to undo this and keep the arteries clean. The buildup is primarily due to diet, but the prevention is primarily due to exercise. Both need attention to be optimized.atherosclerosis-cause-plaque

If you have high blood pressure, it probably means atherosclerosis, though there can be other causes. If you do not have high blood pressure, you are not home free. There can often still be a significant atherosclerotic load present even in people with a normal blood pressure.

Smart Insulin – Possible Breakthrough

New Insulin Derivative Promises Better Life for Type I Diabetics

Precision regulation of glucose is important and presents a challenge  for Type I Diabetic. Smart Insulin, which releases according to glucose level represents a significant breakthrough.  Both health and quality of life would be improved.

Type I or Insulin Dependent Diabetics cannot produce insulin. Type I diabetes typically A syringe with a drug vialdevelops in childhood with the immune system attacking and destroying the cells that produce insulin. The precise cause of this is unknown. (There are probably many causes for this but resulting in the same outcome

Atherosclerosis Basics Part I – Cause

Atherosclerosis or Hardening of the Arteries is Caused by Plaque Buildup. It Can Be Prevented and Reversed.


Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is due to accumulation of plaque behind the artery walls. This can be prevented and reversed with lifestyle choices.  This post explains the cause of atherosclerosis. A future post will explain how to prevent and reverse it.

Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fatty material and other undesirable detritus inside the artery wall.

Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondrial Health is Key to Degenerative Disease Prevention and Longevitymitochondrial-health

All cells depend on mitochondria for their energy, and absent that, things quickly go downhill. But what are mitochondria exactly?

Mitochondria – A Very Strange Tale

Two billion years ago, the living world was divided into archaea and bacteria. Until a couple of decades ago, archaea were considered to be a variant bacteria. We would be pressed to tell them apart, but the biologist wanted it this way. So now we have a primordial sea teeming with two very similar looking microscopic life forms.

Cholesterol Officially Declared Harmless

U. S. Government Removes Limits on Cholesterol Consumption. Cholesterol is now Officially Harmlessfdsfsd

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are recommending that limitations on dietary cholesterol be removed from the upcoming 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Apparently, cholesterol is now harmless. This is a huge turnabout, as a low cholesterol diet has been the lynchpin of government nutritional recommendations, and the American Heart Association, for the past 50 years.

QM Case History: Osteoporosis Reversed – Case Studies


Actual Results from Dr. Mike’s Cohort Records

unnamedOther things being equal, bone density decreases with age at a rate of about 2% per year. Eventually it will decrease to a number defined as the ‘fracture threshold’ which is about 105 mg/cc of mineral density. At this point a person’s bones can no longer support the weight of their owner and begin to crush in on themselves. This causes loss of stature and leads to the hunched over ‘elderly’ look. This is osteoporosis.