Which Chronic Diseases Can be Cured


You are no doubt thinking: Lifestyle changes may be unpleasant. I like my life now, but I do want peak health.  If I make all of the changes you suggest and fix my numbers, is that really going touhgdc modify my health. Will it really increase my longevity and prevent degenerative disease?

The somewhat hand-waving answer is: statistically – it definitely will. Results will vary depending on four things:

Degenerative Disease Overview


More than 70% of us will die from degenerative disease. This includes heart disease, cancer, adult onset diabetes, and others. This is tragic in of itself, but made even more so by the fact that degendegenerative disease is largely preventable.

Degenerative disease is all caused by chronic cellular stress, and relieving cellular stress will prevent and even reverse it.

Meditation Can Prevent Cancer


There are many causes of cancer and many defenses as well. Cancer starts at the cellular level, and involves a series of mutations to the DNA, and there are a variety of sophisticated ribbonmechanisms within the body that scout for these and clean them up. If the cells are under chronic stress, this protective system is greatly inhibited. Other components of the body’s response actually make cancer more likely. The bottom line is: stress causes cancer.

Insulin Therapy for Adult Onset Diabetics

Insulin Therapy Should Be Illegal

Some things make me want to scream. In Adult Onset (Type II) Diabetes, glucose regulation has hit the limit. Normally, if the body consumes glucose (sugar or starchy food), the blood Insulin therapyglucose level will rise. In response to this, the body will secrete insulin in an attempt to regulate and bring glucose levels down to around 80 mg/dl. This is about a teaspoon of sugar in the 5 quarts of blood most people have. This is a pretty critical level and important for overall health.

Exercise And Cancer

Exercise And Cancer

What I will here describe should be life-changing stuff; a powerful argument for tracking and improving your HDL; oh, and by “all-natural” means only.

Over 40 years ago Dr. Cooper, he of the Cooper Clinic and The Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, advocated exercise as protection against not only heart disease but cancer. The early epidemiological data supporting his position was carefully dismantled over the years.