Insulin Therapy for Adult Onset Diabetics

Insulin Therapy Should Be Illegal

Some things make me want to scream. In Adult Onset (Type II) Diabetes, glucose regulation has hit the limit. Normally, if the body consumes glucose (sugar or starchy food), the blood Insulin therapyglucose level will rise. In response to this, the body will secrete insulin in an attempt to regulate and bring glucose levels down to around 80 mg/dl. This is about a teaspoon of sugar in the 5 quarts of blood most people have. This is a pretty critical level and important for overall health.

In Type II Diabetes, the glucose load is so excessive that the insulin can no longer bring it down to 80. The glucose then goes up, up, up to 150, 250, sometimes higher, while at the same time insulin rises in response, and soars up to the limit of the body’s ability to produce it, but all in vain.  This is called insulin resistance, in essence, this is the definition of Type II Diabetes. High levels of sugar and high levels of insulin are both very dangerous. It is for this reason that the health of type II diabetics tends to deteriorate rapidly.

A possible drug based solution would be administering yet more insulin. This is called ‘insulin therapy’ and is effectively like throwing gasoline on the fire, and seems like a very bad idea. But let’s be evidence based here. Five years ago, a very good meta-study indicated that insulin therapy was associated with a whopping 40% increase in cancer. Furthermore, research from 10 years ago strongly implicated insulin therapy with a 50% increase in colon cancer. Now this is no “5% or 10% – could be random error” sort of result. This therapy was killing people. Was? Unfortunately, it still is!

With such a strongly negative results, you would think insulin therapy would have ended long ago, but oh no, it is still going on! How can this be? The same researchers who reported the disastrous results in 2009, produced an updated report Dec. 10, 2014. Unsurprisingly, the results were equally disastrous, but what is unconscionable is that there was any need to do this research. Apparently the practice of prescribing insulin to Adult Onset Diabetics continues. This drives me crazy. This is not how medicine is supposed to work. Have we lost all perspective on the art of being a healer? What are these docs thinking? It makes no sense and the research literature strongly confirms that it makes no sense.

Adult Onset Diabetes is a simple disease. It is not genetic and is caused by consumption of too much glucose – sugar and starch. The body can only deal with so much, so the excess floats around, gets stored as fat, oxidizes, causes inflammation, and is generally a bad actor. Basically, it’s aging in the fast lane.

Adult Onset Diabetes is often claimed to be a genetic disease. This is false. Here’s why. This disease was nonexistent 100 years ago and genetics can’t even begin to change that fast. (We still haven’t caught up with the changes the agricultural revolution forced on us 10,000 years ago.)

Perhaps 95% of the time, Adult Onset Diabetes is cured by reducing or eliminating the cause, excess glucose. This normally means drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, which can be a challenge for some people, but certainly beats the consequences. Once the desirable hormonal levels are reached, the body repairs itself.

With appropriate dietary change and exercise (and no drugs), every Adult Onset Diabetic patient I have ever had (several hundred) has improved, most dramatically. With the Quantitative Medicine approach, hormone and various other levels are measured quarterly, so I am completely confident of the effectiveness of this method. A ‘total makeover’ diabetes-wise takes about a year.

Given that this straight forward and drug-free cure is available, I wonder why my profession continues to use such off-target therapies. I know the answer is complex and entails a great deal of the psychology of both the physician and the patient. Still, my profession’s response to Adult Onset Diabetes is wrong. See also this, wherein the British National Health Recommends a high starch diet for Adult Onset Diabetes.




  1 comment for “Insulin Therapy for Adult Onset Diabetics

  1. Brian Doolan
    June 23, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Can you reconcile this other website, which says fat intake is problem not carbs?

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