Death by Committee

The World Health Organization (WHO) takes up a political cudgel with which to kill people.4713747928_cb494a54a3_z

Recently the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of WHO, met and “assessed more than 800 epidemiological studies that investigated the association of cancer with consumption of red meat or processed meat in many countries, from several continents, with diverse ethnicities and diets.” That sounds good; even science like. By the way “red meat” was understood to be “beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse, or goat meat.” And…”processed meats contain pork or beef, but might also contain other red meats, poultry, offal (eg, liver), or meat byproducts such as blood.”

Early Detection of Cancer – How It Is Done

Many Advances In Early Detection Are Being Reported. Make Sure To Take Advantage Of These.cancer-screening-get-in-gear

In an earlier post, we recommended aggressively perusing early cancer detection. There is an unfortunate trend away from early screening. This is probably due to the insurance companies. They look at costs of medical care rather differently.

Early Detection Of Cancer – Why Do This?

Many Cancers Can Be Detected When They Are Still Curable. Don’t wait for bad news.Cancer Basics-Part-2-Diagnosis-Prognosis-Prevention

Possibly it’s human nature, or possibly it’s a holdover from 19th century medicine, but when it comes to serious disease, many would prefer to simply not know. There is some sense to this if the disease is incurable. Anyone can get the genetic test to see if they will develop, for instance, Huntington’s Chorea, the disease that killed Woodie Guthrie. But this disease isn’t curable. Would you want to know or not?

Nurses, Stress and Cancer

Nurses Have Higher Than Normal Cancer Rates. It May Be Stress or Night Work. One Hospital Is Dealing With The Problem Head On.nurses-stress-cancer-vintage

Nurses are typically willing and accessible participants in health studies, and so a lot is known about them. They have about the same mortality as the general population, but two things stand out: They have almost twice the rate of cancer, but about half the rate of heart disease. The exact reason for this rather profound difference is not really known, but we could speculate. Nursing, by its very nature, is stressful. Nurses are continually dealing with medical situations, frequently serious and sometimes life threatening. Nursing also involves shift work which disrupts circadian rhythms, and this could also be a cause. Other professions involving shift work also have higher cancer rates.

Cancer Vaccination

There is Currently No Vaccine for Cancer. But Once Your Immune System “Sees” and Hopefully Destroys a Cancer, it Potentially Has the Ability to Remember It and Immediately Stop a Recurrence.cancer-vaccine

You never get the same disease twice. Well, this is not quite true, but if your immune system has recognized and defeated an invading germ, it will remember that for a very long time, perhaps the rest of your life. If the same strain returns, it will be quickly destroyed by your immune system.

Whole Grain Is Not Very Healthy

Many prevalent health beliefs are completely wrong. In some cases, these erroneous ideas are kept alive by special interest groups.

Form ancient shamanism to the current day, medicine is clouded in a swirl of disinformation. Despite medical breakthroughs, when it comes to the working of the human body, the unknowns vastly exceed the knowns.  Most medical research runs into this in short order.