How To Get The Health Rewards Of Exercise

Exercise Step by Step

From too many superhero movies, the ubiquity of the fashionable ‘six pack’ or the success of “The Paleo Diet” and “Train Like a Caveman,” we seem to think health consists in being able to run miles, bench press our car and to have the capacity to rip a lion’s heart out with our teeth.

Medical Mythology in the 21st Century

Medicine got off to a bad start. The body is so astounding complex, no one could begin to comprehend how things worked, why one got sick, and why one recovered. This was fertile ground for a mythology. However, more and more has become known (though far more remains to be discovered), but somehow, many myths remain mainstream.

Is Saturated Fat OK or Not?

Short answer YES. Long answer, YES. Long vilified as a cause of heart disease, saturated fat is now considered beneficial in many mainstream circles. But old habits die hard, and one researcher in New Zealand appears to have spun the anti-sat-fat and anti-butter movement up to new and uncharted territory.

Ground Hog Day Special

Instead of Celebrating the Ludicrous Meteorological Belief that a Small Furry Creature’s Behavior Determines Future Weather Patterns, Let Us Turn Attention to the Ludicrous Medical Beliefs that Are Still Rampant In Mainstream Medicine in 2017. These Strongly Affect Current and Future Health, and the Effect Is Primarily Negative.