Statins Suppress the Immune System, This Is Bad and Dangerous

Though it is widely assumed that statins work by lowering cholesterol, other pills that also lower it, ezetimibe, for instance, show no benefit. SostatinsWarning what is the extra ingredient that purportedly causes statins to reduce heart events?

Statins alone decrease heart “events” in some groups of people. There has been no overall benefit shown on any group though. They do reduce heart attacks, though increasing cancer and adult onset diabetes. As far as mortality goes, it’s about a tradeoff. Less cardio deaths, but an offsetting amount of other deaths. But why, exactly, do statins reduce heart attacks? Interestingly, the answer isn’t really known. It was assumed that they worked by reducing cholesterol. But this doesn’t seem to be the case.

New Hypertension Standards Are Bad

A Drug Cocktail That Benefits Very Sick People Is Being Paraded As A Major Breakthrough And Will Likely Be Widely And Inappropriately hyoertension-Pill CocktailApplied

It’s déjà vu all over again, as the late Yogi Berra is said to have said. It is almost normal that whenever a drug benefits a narrow cohort, it almost immediately gets thrown at a much wider one.

SGLT2 Inhibitors – A Strange and Dangerous Way to Lower Blood Glucose

In Spite of Numerous Side Effects, the Drug Industry Continues to Push SGLT2 Inhibitors, a Completely Unnecessary Drug. Now it is Reportedcrestor-pills-money to Dissolve Bone, a Completely Predictable Side Effect.

Any sugar or starch that is consumed goes almost immediately into the bloodstream. Under certain circumstances it can accumulate, and accumulation above a certain level is called Type II Diabetes or Adult Onset Diabetes.

Monoclonal Antibodies Should Be The Last Resort

Monoclonal antibodies are the latest hot drug. They are very expensive to produce, usually offer only limited benefit if any, and often have unexpected consequences.

Monoclonal antibodies are an attempt to engage the adaptive immune system in the fight against some disease. The adaptive immune system marks a pathogen with antibodies. Antibodies are small “Y” shaped proteins manufactured by B-type white blood cells. There are literally millions of different ones on patrol, each designated to recognize a different pathogen—bacteria, virus, or other foreign material. The antibody usually disables it and marks it for destruction.

Rosuvastatin (Crestor) Has Little Overall Benefit And Has Many Problems

Rosuvastatin lowers cholesterol more than all the other statins, and because of this, it was hailed as a breakthrough drug. With a huge advertising budget behind it, it became a blockbuster—the top selling statin. But it has a checkered past, and as time goes by, more and more problems seem to be turning up, and less and less benefit is evident.crestor-pills-money

Rosuvastatin’s presumed benefit was its extreme lowering of LDL cholesterol, like from 120 to 55. A lot. A decade ago, it was widely believed that cholesterol was some sort of toxin, and so the less of it the better. This thinking has been substantially revised, for reasons we will get to in a moment.

Number Needed to Treat – Does Your Drug Work?

Number Needed to Treat, or NNT is the number of people that have to take a drug in order for a single person to have a benefit.NNT

The concept of Number Needed to Treat or NNT may surprise you. If 500 people have to take a drug in order that 1 is spared a heart attack, isn’t that the same as saying: The drug is useless for 499 of 500 people that take it. Useless. Well, that’s only if the drug does no harm, but few drugs are this benevolent.