Is Saturated Fat OK or Not?

Short answer YES. Long answer, YES. Long vilified as a cause of heart disease, saturated fat is now considered beneficial in many mainstream circles. But old habits die hard, and one researcher in New Zealand appears to have spun the anti-sat-fat and anti-butter movement up to new and uncharted territory.

Artificial Sweeteners

artificial-sweetenersThrowing all caution to the wind, your intrepid bloggers are going to wander into this rat’s nest. Are artificial sweeteners OK? Some evidence says maybe, and some, maybe not. What do you think?

When LDL (Bad) Cholesterol is Important


Not so bad after all?

A report earlier this week, here, raises questions about the dangers of high LDL cholesterol. Specifically, high levels were found to be protective, completely overturning conventional medical wisdom. Here we present a somewhat deeper dive into the subject.