Vitamin D and COVID-19

It is extremely important that high levels of vitamin D be maintained. The chances of severe or fatal COVID-19 illness plummet for those with adequate vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is the closest thing we have to a cure right not—provided you take it in advance. The results so far on this are astounding.

Cancer Vaccination

There is Currently No Vaccine for Cancer. But Once Your Immune System “Sees” and Hopefully Destroys a Cancer, it Potentially Has the Ability to Remember It and Immediately Stop a Recurrence.cancer-vaccine

You never get the same disease twice. Well, this is not quite true, but if your immune system has recognized and defeated an invading germ, it will remember that for a very long time, perhaps the rest of your life. If the same strain returns, it will be quickly destroyed by your immune system.

Monoclonal Antibodies Should Be The Last Resort

Monoclonal antibodies are the latest hot drug. They are very expensive to produce, usually offer only limited benefit if any, and often have unexpected consequences.

Monoclonal antibodies are an attempt to engage the adaptive immune system in the fight against some disease. The adaptive immune system marks a pathogen with antibodies. Antibodies are small “Y” shaped proteins manufactured by B-type white blood cells. There are literally millions of different ones on patrol, each designated to recognize a different pathogen—bacteria, virus, or other foreign material. The antibody usually disables it and marks it for destruction.

Pathogenic Trickery—How Germs Thwart The Immune System

The body has an elaborate defense system against bacteria and viruses. The only ones that are successful are those that have managed to defeat it. They use every trick in the book and then some.pathogen-trickery

We have two immune systems, both of which are very effective against bacterial and viral invaders. The older one, the innate immune system,  is found in all animals from worms on up. The newer one, the adaptive immune system, is a vertebrate only feature. The innate immune system cells, called phagocytes, are fast acting and on the spot. It’s a little clumsy at recognizing bacteria, but will try to engulf or poison it if it does.

Immune System Basics  – The Adaptive Immune System

The Adaptive Immune System Is Able To Mount A Massive Attack Against A Bacteria Or Virus And Remember It. Once A Disease Has Attacked and Has Been Beaten Back, We Are Immune For Life.immune system

Well, not always for life but a very long time to be sure. The innate immune system, powerful though it is, proved inadequate. Soon after the vertebrates appeared, we find animals with the adaptive immune system. The ‘reason’ for the development is this: The innate immune system can recognize quite a few bacterial and viral pathogens, but this recognition is more or less fixed, cast in the DNA of the innate system white cells. With their assorted special receptors, they can recognize a more or less fixed spectrum of bacteria.

Immune System Basics – The Innate Immune System

The innate immune system, is but one of two immune systems most vertebras have. It is ancient, found in the most primitive animals.immune system

We have two immune systems – the innate and the adaptive. So do most of the vertebrates. The innate immune system is ancient and wide spread, and found in most animals, worms, bugs, lobsters, and so on. Some of the simpler animals are lacking it though. The adaptive immune system, subject of a future post, is the more complicated, but is the one, for instance that confers longterm immunity to various diseases.