Reversing Osteoarthritis – Step By Step

Osteoarthritis can usually be reversed. Certain specific exercises are needed. These are simple and not particularly strenuous.joint

Properly maintained, joints will last a lifetime. Otherwise, osteoarthritis may develop and begin to destroy the joint. With appropriate exercise, osteoarthritis can usually be reversed..


Maybe, Maybe Not.

Low LDL – “bad” – cholesterol may be causing Alzheimer’s, may actually increase heart risk, and may increase cancer. For years the lipid hypothesis: “fat causes heart disease” has been a medical mantra. Time for a revision?

Statins: The Zombie Drug That Will Not Die


The resiliency of this drug is remarkable. Study after study has found statins useless if not detrimental for almost every cohort. Yet the drug lumbers on, relentlessly pushed by the drug industry, and duly prescribed by a change-resistant medical profession.