HDL – Reverse Heart Disease, Reverse Cancer


It is hard to overstate the importance of High Density Lipoprotein or HDL. It is a circulating cell-clean-up particle and if fully harnessed will prevent and reverse heart disease andunnamed substantially reduce cancer risk. There’s really not anything else like it. It cleans up distressed cells in a variety ways, a cellular level garbage collector.

HDL is frequently referred to as ‘good cholesterol’. This is incredibly misleading. HDL is definitely ‘good’, but it’s not cholesterol any more than a garbage truck is the garbage itself.

QM Case History: Triglycerides – Lower to Prevent Heart Disease

‘Tom’ asks: How Much Do I Have to Change to Get to Peak Health?


Everybody wants Peak Health. Who wouldn’t? But everyone wants it at the cheapest possible price. I suppose this is human nature. I am always getting the question: How much do I have to change or give up to get to Peak Health?

I don’t know the answer in advance. But, using Quantitative Medicine I can determine it. There are many key numbers that drive health,

Reverse or Prevent Heart Disease

Yes, and I know how. (Supplements are not the answer)

Each of these variables is statistically more powerful as a risk, as a protection and as a behavior modifiable marker of stroke and heart attack than ANY single cholesterol number. I know how to improve each of these factors and want to teach you how to do so.