This Beautiful Work

A wish and a thank you to my patients, those who have read my books, and those who read this blog.

For many of you the value of what, together, we do here is obvious: a cancer prevented or caught early enough to be lifesaving.

For others, the value is in the guidance that your data provides, so you can be healthier than you would be otherwise.

But this is a New Year’s note, not a list of my services.

This past year saw the completion of my two books: Quantitative Medicine and Eat Real Food…or Else. With that long overdue work done, I have been thinking about the nature of the work that, together, we achieve.

We create, we foster, Beauty. This is a Beautiful Work.

Now “Beauty” refers to a lofty idea or ideal, thus it is a reasonable question why I imply that the pursuit of Beauty is at the heart of my work and your work with me.

One of the gifts of being a physician is the privilege of getting to know people’s life stories. Not as a novel or biography but as real lives lived out and, often, shared with me as their doc. As Hamlet would have it: “what a piece of work is man?!”

Without the perspective of so many other lives, you may not live as intimately with the mystery of the human condition as I am allowed to do.

From that perspective, I see the Beauty of life—your lives – lived without a probable disease like diabetes or coronary heart disease. By the work you do, and the part my work plays in that work, you make your life more Beautiful; full of more family, meals with friends; more joy, more Beauty.

Thank you for working with me this past year. Help me make the world even more Beautiful, next year.

Happy New Year,

Dr. Mike

  2 comments for “This Beautiful Work

  1. Jim
    January 8, 2017 at 3:46 am

    Sorry, never got the chance to say thanks to the two of you as well. Your work has great value and I wish in the New Year that many more can find your site, buy your books and experience the benefits. Happy New Year!

    • January 10, 2017 at 4:28 pm

      Thank you, Jim, for your support. Mike and Charlie

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